Pre and Post Radiation Care.
The photos above on the left show typical post-radiation results, which are extremely damaging and painful. The photo on the righthand side, right of the red line demonstartes results using the post radiation system three weeks post treatment. The patient claimed it was less painful and easier to continue the treatment.
Each product in this system has been designed to help prevent long-term inflammation and minimize discomfort, pain, heat, itch, and damaging side effects to skin that can often make reconstruction impossible.
Radiation Care System
Radiation Treatments have shown to be extremely destructive to skin tissue during and after procedures. The Soothing Silver in this system has shown to be an excellent solution to help soothe the uncomfortable side effects from radiation treatments.
Each product in this system has been designed to help prevent long-term inflammation, minimize pain, itching, and discomfort. The Post Treatment Balm, in particular, is exceptionally gentle with natural analgesic properties that can be applied before the Soothing Silver Cream to decrease the hot feeling often associated before and after radiation treatments.